Tuesday, 8 July 2014

Busy busy!

So this is my second blog and there is so much going on for me art wise right now and it is all really positive!
I finished one of my larger pieces, titled Midnight. I'm really pleased with the finished result and have had some really good comments from various people who have seen it. The final piece is now mounted and framed and is extremely large but I think that just adds to it's impact! I've entered it into an exhibition at Thorndon Countryside Centre in Brentwood between 12th July - 27th July and I am really hoping it sells! (not only because it will be a massive achievement but also because I don't have the space to hang it myself!)
This was one of my first animal pieces but now I have the bug and want to draw more so my next piece will definitely be animal related. I've had a few suggestions and I am feeling inspired so will probably start on it soon!
As well as finishing half-done work and exhibiting I am also commissioning my very own website. This is in the final stages of completion and I am really excited about it going live! It will enable people to see a gallery of my (finished *ahem*) work and also contact me if they have any questions or commission requests. I will also be selling prints and originals of my work online and details of exhibitions and events will also be on there.
Some exciting times ahead!

Monday, 16 June 2014

First blog!

So this is my first blog! I’m an aspiring artist who works full time (in an office – bills have to be paid!) but I am hoping that my artistic career will take a big leap forward and this is a documentation of my journey.

It’s quite an exciting time for me art-wise as last week I decided to finally commission my own website. It’s something I’ve thought of for a while and the more artists I follow on social networking, the more websites I see and it has given me the bit of oomph needed to take that leap of faith and get my own.

It was quite a daunting decision really…a lot of what ifs…What if no one likes my art? What if I don’t sell anything? What if no one hears about me? What if I’m spending all my money on this website for nothing?

I guess it’s just one of those things. You have to speculate to accumulate. You have to spend money to make money. It’s sad but true. And you never know unless you try.

So I went out there and did it. And now I have my own domain name (yet to be revealed!) and am hoping for a launch by the end of June! Exciting!

As an artist I’m always being inspired and therefore I can’t help jumping from new piece to new piece. So this gives me another dilemma! In order to have anything to even put on my website I need to spend time on those unfinished pieces sitting and waiting at the back of my sketch book…It’s always hard to go back to something once you’ve started something new but patience is the key!

So here are a few things I am working on right now!

This is my version of the legendary Medusa. I started it a few months ago and quickly decided it was one that required an immense amount of detail. Detail takes time…a lot of time! So unfortunately after a few days of painstakingly drawing out every single snake scale I decided to pick up something new and Medusa has been cast aside. It’s one of my favourite pieces so far though so I am really keen on finishing it and I did find time this weekend to draw in the snake at the top right. So it’s coming along….slowly!

As you can probably tell I do like to draw fantasy creatures and pictures! This one is proving a little controversial for my followers on Instagram and Facebook. I often upload pictures of works in progress as it’s a good way for people to see how I work but also another way to get more followers. In this game followers is the key! So before uploading this picture I had started with just the woman, and I was getting  lot of likes. Around 40 per picture….then I added the demon. 15 likes. Oh dear. But also oh well! You can’t win them all and after all some people still like it which is the main thing! This one will however probably stay at the bottom of the pile for a little while. It was an experiment and perhaps one that didn’t quite work out.


This is an alien woman I started last week. Another experiment and perhaps a better one than the demon picture! This picture has been one of those moments when you think you’re on to a winner and then half way through the doubts creep in. So now I am unsure but think it may look alright when it’s finished. We shall see!

This is one of the first animal pictures I have really spent a lot of time on. It’s A2, so quite a large piece and has taken quite a lot of time. But I think it has been totally worth it. This picture has bought me a lot of Instagram followers and a lot of positive comments. I haven’t worked on it for a couple of weeks but I’m now on a deadline to finish it as I’m putting it into a local exhibition in July. Fingers crossed it does well and I make a sale! I am also going to try to get a few prints to sell on my website once it’s done.

And this is my most recent piece. I got excited about starting this one as I recently bought an A1 size drawing board and paper so it’s huge! It’s going to be a landscape picture of a mermaid on a rock. I’m intending on adding background to this one, which is something I almost never do but think I ought to start. It will hopefully make the picture more dynamic and is good practice for drawing something other than women which is what I lean towards.

So that’s it for my first blog! If you like what you’ve seen and want to see more please check out my Instagram and Facebook pages under GeorginaRichmondArt! Thank you!