Tuesday, 8 July 2014

Busy busy!

So this is my second blog and there is so much going on for me art wise right now and it is all really positive!
I finished one of my larger pieces, titled Midnight. I'm really pleased with the finished result and have had some really good comments from various people who have seen it. The final piece is now mounted and framed and is extremely large but I think that just adds to it's impact! I've entered it into an exhibition at Thorndon Countryside Centre in Brentwood between 12th July - 27th July and I am really hoping it sells! (not only because it will be a massive achievement but also because I don't have the space to hang it myself!)
This was one of my first animal pieces but now I have the bug and want to draw more so my next piece will definitely be animal related. I've had a few suggestions and I am feeling inspired so will probably start on it soon!
As well as finishing half-done work and exhibiting I am also commissioning my very own website. This is in the final stages of completion and I am really excited about it going live! It will enable people to see a gallery of my (finished *ahem*) work and also contact me if they have any questions or commission requests. I will also be selling prints and originals of my work online and details of exhibitions and events will also be on there.
Some exciting times ahead!